Episode 22: Maximum Miles Per Passion | Amanda Leon
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Episode 22: Maximum Miles Per Passion | Amanda Leon

Aaaand we’re back… with Amanda Leon. She is a Polo Player, Marketer, former Miss Pasadena, a teacher of picking up women, a Cognitive Neuroscience nerd, and Couchsurfer. We discoursed about following passion and exploring the unknown, marketing for products, being vigilant of your surroundings as a woman, and teaching men how to pick up women. A fun and insightful look at Amanda’s beautiful brain, definitely in my top 5 conversations.

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Polo Lady Magazine On The Spotlight
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Polo Lady Magazine On The Spotlight

Polo is one of the few sports in the world where a woman is not automatically regulated to a woman’s league only. If a woman is good enough, she can play at the highest level that the sport is played.

To know that if I work hard enough and if I get good enough, I could play shoulder to shoulder with a man at the World Polo Championship…. THAT is the most empowering offering for women that I’ve seen in any sport.

Also, I feel like Joan of Arc or Xena Warrior Princess charging into battle every time I play polo, so that feels pretty empowering too. ;)

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LA Times “Ambition Meets Pageantry for Amanda Alissa”
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LA Times “Ambition Meets Pageantry for Amanda Alissa”

[Amanda] has used her Miss Pasadena title to raise money and attention for Great Strides, a volunteer program at Occidental pairs collegiate mentors with elementary school students in Los Angeles. The afterschool program encourages healthy eating and exercise habits, said [Amanda], a Great Strides organizer.

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